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Sunday, November 13, 2011


Praise God. God is not a respecter of persons; what He did for every one from Adam in the book of Genesis to John in the book of Revelation, He will also do for me, you and us today. God is for us and with us. God anointed Jesus with the Holy Spirit and power. HE ministered to people, healed and set them free from satan. We are also anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, all we need to do is obey, believe and speak God’s word in the name of Jesus Christ. We loose now every area that satan has got us bound; No more! It’s over in Jesus Christ’s name. AMEN.
ACTS 10:34-38;
LK 13:11-17;
MK 9:14-29;
MK 10:27, 46-52;
PS 55:22;
MT 11:28-30;
IS 10:27.

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I need your financial help to travel out of the country to bury my dad. In LK 6:30-38, JESUS said, Do good and lend and God will reward you, give and it shall be given unto you. God said, he that help the needy, lendeth to God and God will repay him. May God touch your hearts to help me in this time of my needs. God richly BLESS you all. AMEN.

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